A: This is a huge library.
B: Yes, it has lots of rooms and lots of space.
A: And lots of books.
B: And lots of thieves.
A: What do you mean?
B: I mean, keep your belongings close to you.
A: The only thing in my backpack is used books.
B: But thieves don't know that.
A: They might think that I've got an iPod or laptop in there.
B: Now you're thinking.
A: You'd think a library would be safe from thieves.
B: Not even a church is safe from thieves.
Huge: Enorme, gigante
A huge dog! |
Thief (Plural: Thieves)
To keep: Mantener/guardar
Belongings: Pertenencias
The only: El único/La única
Used: Usado
Laptop: Computadora portátil
Safe: Seguro/A salvo
Might: Es posible que/Puede que
Lots of: Muchos/Muchas
What do you mean?: ¿Qué quieres decir?
Close to: cerca de
I've got: Tengo.
Not even: Ni siquiera.
You'd: Contracción de "You would"
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